Moment Of Geekiness
Lindsey Stirling’s Video Game Medley
Brilliant violinist Lindsey Stirling performs some of her favourite video game themes. Which is your favourite? [via IGN]
Bohemian Gravity
A Capella Science performs Bohemian Gravity, a parody of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody about theoretical physics. [via ACapellaScience]
Parody GTA V Review: It’s too realistic
The guys from Collegehumor reviewed Rockstar’s GTA V. They found it to be too realistic. [via collegehumor]
Tooth Fairy Tooth Transport
Jeff Highsmith figured that with the rise in population the Tooth Fairy was no longer able to visit all the children to collect teeth. So he installed a pneumatic transport system to transport the...
How to argue with research they don’t like
The people from Wonkblog made nice flowchart how to argue with research they don’t like. [via wonkblog]
Monty Python and the Holy Grail [Modern Trailer]
What if “Monty Python and The Holy Grail” would release in 2013? Stéphane Bouley made a fake trailer that has quite a serious tone. [via youtube]
The evolution of the PlayStation controller [Infographic]
PSMania made an infographic that shows the evolution of the PlayStation controller, from the PS1 up to the PS4. [Via PSMania]
GATES [Parody Movie Trailer]
Ashton Kutcher’s JOBS follows the life and times of legendary innovator Steve Jobs, but where’s the movie for the even more thrilling Bill Gates? Here it is. [Via OfficialComedy]