Moment Of Geekiness

Do You Love Me, a film by Cleverbot

Do You Love Me, a film by Cleverbot has been touted as one of the most advanced artificial intelligences ever. The website allows users to chat with the A.I. Cleverbot. But how good is it, really? Chris Wilson sat down with...

Tar [Comic]

Tar [Comic]

XKCD summarizes my experience with tar quite well. Even after a few years of experience with Linux, I still have to Google the tar flags. [Via xkcd]

Instacode 2

Instacode – Instagram for code!

You wrote an awesome piece of code and you want to share it. However, simply copy your code won’t express the epicness of your code. Does this sound familiar? Instacode offers you a new...

Structural Colour

Structural Colour

Scientists are being inspired by nature to design the next generation of security devices. Arrays of nanoscale holes create beautiful reflected colours that are almost impossible to forge. [Via veritasium]

Portland Nerd Council PSA

Portland Nerd Council PSA

The fake geek girl seems to be the topic of the week. After this post on the homicidal fake geek girl, IFC’s comedy Portlandia featured a sketch of a PSA from the Portland Nerd...

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