Moment Of Geekiness

Google Saber

Google Saber

Youtuber Katie Wilson explains how much fun it is to work at the YouTube Space. You get to try out all kind of new gadgets, such as Google Glass and Google Saber. [Via youtube]

Punch Card Programming

Punch Card Programming

How did punch card systems work? Professor Brailsford delves further into the era of mainframe computing with this hands-on look at punch cards. [Via Computerphile]

Skype Around the World

Skype Around the World

Comedian Mark Malkoff celebrates the 10th anniversary of Skype by talking over Skype with 162 countries. [Via youtube]

Google Me [Documentary]

Google Me [Documentary]

A documentary about a guy, Jim Killeen, who Googled himself and then went all over the world meeting others with his name. [Via youtube]



I know correlation does not imply causality, but I think in this case there is causality between the two. [Via reddit]

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