Author: MomentOfGeekiness

A cyber-magic card [TED Talk]

A cyber-magic card [TED Talk]

The suits, numbers and colors in a deck of cards correspond to the seasons, moon cycles and calendar. Marco Tempest straps on augmented reality goggles and does a card trick like you’ve never seen...

Alcohol in your Brain

Alcohol in your Brain

After the hangover video, ASAP Science now made video on the effects of alcohol on your body. Understanding your drunken stupor from the brain’s perspective. Find out how alcohol molecules alter your brain, ultimately...

Pursuing your geeky project [TEDx Talk]

Pursuing your geeky project [TEDx Talk]

Since Emil Johansson was eleven years old he has been passionate about J.R.R. Tolkien’s works. Today this young creative is also a photographer and engineering student, but still he has found the time to...

Seed [Short Film]

Seed [Short Film]

Set in the year 2071, where technology has brought mankind to the brink of colonization on a planet named Gaia, one astronaut takes on an isolated mission and discovers unearthly horrors that could bring...

Programming Comedy

Programming Comedy

A lightning talk by Gary Bernhardt from CodeMash 2012. Most programmers will find this hilarious. [Via reddit]

Google’s Augmented Reality Game

Google’s Augmented Reality Game

Google released the trailer for its new massively multiplayer augmented-reality game (MMOARG?) called Ingress. This is not a MMO you play on you play alone on the PC, but on your Android phone outside...

Ubuntu for Android

Ubuntu for Android

Now multi-core Android phones can be PCs too. Ubuntu for Android enables high-end Android handsets to run Ubuntu, the world’s favourite free PC desktop operating system. So users get the Android they know on...

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