Author: MomentOfGeekiness

Gandalf Problem Solving Flowchart

Gandalf Problem Solving Flowchart

Flowcharts lay out the process for solving problems in a logical, step-by-step manner. According to this flowchart, the wizard Gandalf the Grey uses perfectly logical reasoning, at least according to the folks at the...

The Fake Geek Girl

The Fake Geek Girl

“Fake geek girls” must secretly be psychotic serial killers, otherwise I can’t figure out why they would exist or anyone would feel threatened by them. [via Dorkly]

What’s Language Got to Do With It?

What’s Language Got to Do With It?

University of Melbourne graduate student Sara Ciesielski explains how children growing up in the Sherpa culture learn a lot more than words from their elders. [via geeksaresexy]

Science of the Friend Zone

Science of the Friend Zone

Ever expressed feelings for someone and had them reply by saying they’d rather be “just friends?” VSauce examines the science of the “Friend Zone.” [Via YouTube]

We were all female

We were all female

Dear Gentlemen, science has a confession. You were once…a female – which helps to explain where your nipples came from. Watch and learn. [Via youtube]

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Parody

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Parody

In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit… But, what happens when Gandalf and a rowdy group of Dwarves barge in to Bilbo Baggins’ quiet and peaceful hobbit hole? Just about everything...

Blink To The Future

Blink To The Future

The Eleventh Doctor plays Doc Brown in this fan made animated mashup of the timey wimey BBC series and Back to the Future. A gift for Doctor Who fans from writer and animator James...

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